Impact100 Grant Program Accepting Applications July 1 through Aug. 3

$100,000 in community grant funds available for local nonprofit organizations.


The Community Foundation of Macon County will award a total of $100,000 in Impact100 grants to local organizations demonstrating a commitment to addressing issues of healthcare access and outcomes, the focal points for this year’s grant cycle. The 2021 application portal opens July 1 and will close at midnight., Aug 3.

Impact100 grants will be awarded to not-for-profit organizations and other eligible agencies serving Macon County communities. Minimum grants awarded per organization are $2,500, and maximum grants are $20,000. All grant recipients will be notified by Sept. 14.

For the 2021 competitive Impact100 grant process, The Community Foundation of Macon County will give funding preference to grant applications focusing on the following criteria:

  • Organizations/programs that assist in providing access to healthcare, including vaccinations and other wellness and preventive care services that can aid in early detection and treatment of health conditions.
  • Organizations/programs that aid in providing access to health-related services and information, including education.
  • Organizations/programs that help eliminate barriers to healthcare and address other factors that prevent healthy outcomes in individuals and families.
  • Organizations/programs that exhibit a strong commitment to decreasing one or more Macon County health issues, including but not limited to preventable cancer and other diseases, smoking; obesity; physical inactivity; drug and alcohol abuse; sexually transmitted diseases; and behavioral/mental health concerns.
  • Organizations that actively develop, lead and support youth programs to address health issues within that age group, including mental disorders, smoking/vaping, substance abuse and lack of adequate nutrition.
  • Organizations that optimize healthy aging for the older adults in our community through programs on physical activity, personal care, socialization and other activities that enhance quality of life.
  • Organizations/programs committed to addressing environmental issues that can lead to healthcare ailments.

More details are available on The Community Foundation of Macon County website at

Questions about the competitive grant cycle and application process should be directed to CFMC President Natalie Beck at 217.429.3000 or